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Hair Loss Questions, And What to Consider

Q: Are you aware of any hormonal abnormalities or are you already on any medication for hormonal issues?

Many different hormone fluctuations, abnormalities, birth control regimens and medications can be associated with hair loss so if you can see no other reason why hair loss would be occurring, check in with your primary care physician for blood testing.

Q: Are you currently taking any medications?

Many medicines have a side-effect of hair loss, with steroids and chemotherapy the most obvious culprits among a very long list. Check with your primary care physician, Dermatologist and a Trichologist/hair loss specialist if you notice hair loss, especially when starting a new medication regimen.

Q: Do you feel completely stressed-out?

Physical traumas as well as mental traumas can cause hair loss and thinning, and many times cause hair problems three to six months after a traumatic event has occurred. Try to identify if this is the case or if your life is just too busy and try to make some changes.

Q: Is something going on in your scalp you are unaware of?

having your hair regularly maintained by a licensed hair stylist with knowledge of hair loss and hair & scalp issues is the first line of defense in preventing hair loss. Another line of defense is a Trichologist who can examine the scalp and hair and quickly identify product build-up, excessive sebum production, and fungal or other infections.

Q: Are you noticing your hair is getting thinner and shedding more than normal?

Each hair follicle lives in a cycle of a long period of growth, followed by a relatively short period of rest. During the rest period, the hair is still attached to the hair follicle, but it is not growing. After the resting phase, the hair sheds and a new hair begins to grow, starting a new hair growth cycle. When the hair growth cycle gets out of alignment, it disrupts the normality of the hair growing process. If hair fall-out exceeds hair growth then thinning or baldness may become noticeable. Hair thinning is also a common sign of aging as natural hormones reduce in production, hair follicles stop or slow down in producing hair and spend more time in the resting stage. In some cases, it’s not that the hair is falling out but rather not growing at the rate it was originally designed to grow.

Q: How do you treat your hair on a daily basis?

Tight braids, ponytails and headbands, improper use of chemicals, heated styling tools, and styling techniques can all cause hair loss. Discuss your daily regimens with your hair stylist and/or Trichologist so that they can identify local trauma. If they can't help you, they will refer you to a physician or


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